Elekes, also known as collares, are sacred beaded necklaces in Santería that represent the Orishas, the deities of the religion. These necklaces are not just decorative; they are powerful spiritual tools that carry the Ashe (spiritual energy) of the Orishas. Because of their significance, there are strict rules and guidelines regarding their handling. One of the most important rules is that only the wearer or certain initiated individuals should touch the elekes. But what should you do if someone accidentally or intentionally touches your elekes? In this article, we will explore the significance of elekes, why it’s important to protect them, and the steps you should take if they are touched.

Outline of the Article

  1. Introduction

    • Overview of the significance of elekes in Santería
    • Importance of handling elekes with care
  2. What Are Elekes?

    • The meaning and purpose of elekes in Santería
    • The process of receiving elekes
    • The connection between elekes and the Orishas
  3. Why It’s Important to Protect Your Elekes

    • The spiritual significance of elekes
    • How elekes connect you to the Orishas
    • The potential consequences of improper handling
  4. Who Is Allowed to Touch Your Elekes?

    • The rules regarding who can handle elekes
    • The role of the wearer and initiated individuals
    • Why unauthorized handling is problematic
  5. What to Do If Someone Touches Your Elekes

    • Immediate actions to take if someone touches your elekes
    • The importance of staying calm and assessing the situation
    • Steps to cleanse and protect your elekes after they are touched
  6. Cleansing Your Elekes

    • Methods for spiritually cleansing your elekes
    • The role of your godparent in the cleansing process
    • How to restore the Ashe of your elekes
  7. Consulting with Your Godparent

    • Why it’s essential to inform your godparent
    • How your godparent can guide you through the cleansing process
    • Possible rituals or offerings required
  8. Preventing Future Incidents

    • Tips for protecting your elekes from being touched
    • How to educate others about the significance of elekes
    • The importance of vigilance in spiritual practice
  9. The Spiritual Impact of Unauthorized Touching

    • How unauthorized touching can affect the Ashe of your elekes
    • Potential spiritual consequences for the wearer
    • How to rebuild your spiritual protection
  10. When to Replace Your Elekes

    • Signs that your elekes may need to be replaced
    • The process of receiving new elekes
    • The role of your godparent in this decision
  11. Common Misconceptions About Elekes

    • Debunking myths about the power of elekes
    • Clarifying the true spiritual role of elekes
    • Understanding the limitations of elekes
  12. Conclusion

    • Recap of the importance of protecting your elekes
    • Final thoughts on maintaining their spiritual integrity
  13. FAQs

    • Can I touch my own elekes?
    • What if someone touches my elekes by accident?
    • How often should I cleanse my elekes?
    • Can elekes lose their power over time?
    • What should I do if my elekes break?


In Santería, elekes (also known as collares) are not just pieces of jewelry—they are sacred, blessed items that symbolize the connection between the wearer and the Orishas. These beaded necklaces are imbued with the Ashe of the Orishas and serve as a form of spiritual protection. Given their significance, it is crucial to handle them with the utmost respect and care. One of the most important guidelines in Santería is that elekes should not be touched by anyone other than the wearer or certain initiated individuals. But what happens if someone touches your elekes? In this article, we will discuss the steps you should take to address this situation and maintain the spiritual integrity of your elekes.

What Are Elekes?

The Meaning and Purpose of Elekes in Santería

Elekes are beaded necklaces that represent specific Orishas, each with its own color scheme and pattern that corresponds to the attributes of the Orisha it honors. When you receive elekes, they are consecrated in a ritual that connects them to the Orishas, imbuing them with spiritual power and protection. Wearing elekes is a way to carry the Ashe of the Orishas with you, serving as a constant reminder of their presence and influence in your life.

The Process of Receiving Elekes

Receiving elekes is an important step in the spiritual journey of a Santería practitioner. The ceremony involves a series of rituals performed by your godparent and other initiated members of the community. During this process, the elekes are blessed and charged with the Ashe of the Orishas, making them powerful spiritual tools. Once received, elekes are worn as a sign of your connection to the Orishas and as a source of ongoing protection.

The Connection Between Elekes and the Orishas

Each set of elekes is associated with specific Orishas, and wearing them establishes a direct link between you and these spiritual entities. The elekes serve as a channel through which the Orishas can protect and guide you, making them more than just symbolic items—they are active spiritual instruments. This connection is why it’s so important to protect your elekes from being touched or handled by others.

Why It’s Important to Protect Your Elekes

The Spiritual Significance of Elekes

Elekes are sacred items that carry the Ashe of the Orishas. They are not mere decorations but are spiritually charged tools that provide protection, guidance, and blessings from the Orishas. Mishandling or unauthorized touching of elekes can disrupt the flow of Ashe and diminish their protective power, making it essential to keep them safe from inappropriate contact.

How Elekes Connect You to the Orishas

Wearing elekes is a way to keep the Orishas close to you, ensuring their presence and protection in your daily life. The connection between the elekes and the Orishas is sacred, and this connection can be compromised if the elekes are not treated with the respect they deserve. Unauthorized touching can weaken this bond, which is why it’s important to follow the guidelines for their care and handling.

The Potential Consequences of Improper Handling

When someone touches your elekes without permission, it can have several spiritual consequences. The energy of the person who touched them can interfere with the Ashe of the Orishas, potentially causing spiritual imbalance or weakening the protection that the elekes provide. In some cases, it may even be necessary to cleanse the elekes or replace them entirely to restore their full power.

Who Is Allowed to Touch Your Elekes?

The Rules Regarding Who Can Handle Elekes

In Santería, only the wearer of the elekes or initiated individuals with the appropriate spiritual authority should handle them. This rule is in place to ensure that the sacredness of the elekes is preserved and that they remain effective as spiritual tools. Unauthorized individuals, even if well-intentioned, should not touch the elekes as they may inadvertently disrupt the spiritual energy they carry.

The Role of the Wearer and Initiated Individuals

As the wearer, you are responsible for the care and protection of your elekes. Initiated individuals, such as your godparent or other trusted practitioners, may handle the elekes during rituals or cleansing ceremonies, but this should always be done with reverence and respect. The handling of elekes by initiated individuals is part of their spiritual role and is done with the intention of maintaining or restoring their power.

Why Unauthorized Handling Is Problematic

When someone who is not authorized touches your elekes, it can introduce foreign energy that conflicts with the Ashe of the Orishas. This can lead to spiritual disturbances, such as a weakening of protection, confusion, or even negative energy affecting the wearer. Unauthorized handling is problematic because it can compromise the effectiveness of the elekes and disrupt the spiritual connection they represent.

What to Do If Someone Touches Your Elekes

Immediate Actions to Take If Someone Touches Your Elekes

If someone touches your elekes, it’s important to remain calm and assess the situation. While it can be alarming, acting with composure will help you address the issue effectively. Politely explain to the person that the elekes are sacred and should not be touched, helping them understand the significance of these spiritual items.

The Importance of Staying Calm and Assessing the Situation

Staying calm allows you to think clearly and take appropriate action. Assess whether the touch was accidental or intentional and whether the person who touched them is aware of the significance of elekes. Your response should be guided by the specifics of the situation, but it’s important to protect your elekes from further unauthorized handling.

Steps to Cleanse and Protect Your Elekes After They Are Touched

After someone touches your elekes, it’s recommended to cleanse them to remove any foreign energy and 

restore their spiritual integrity. Here are the steps you can take to cleanse and protect your elekes after they have been touched:

  1. Consult Your Godparent: Before taking any action, it’s important to consult with your godparent or an experienced practitioner. They can provide guidance on the appropriate steps to cleanse and restore your elekes based on the situation.

  2. Cleansing with Water and Herbs: One of the most common methods to cleanse elekes is to wash them with cool, clean water mixed with sacred herbs that are aligned with the Orishas. Herbs such as basil, sage, or rosemary are often used for their purifying properties. Gently immerse the elekes in the water, focusing on restoring their Ashe and removing any negative energy.

  3. Prayers and Offerings: While cleansing the elekes, it’s important to recite prayers to the Orishas, asking for their forgiveness and for the restoration of the elekes' power. You may also make offerings to the Orishas, such as candles, food, or other items that are pleasing to them, as a way to honor their presence and reaffirm your connection.

  4. Exposure to Sunlight or Moonlight: Some practitioners also expose their elekes to sunlight or moonlight as part of the cleansing process. The natural energy of the sun or moon can help recharge the elekes and restore their spiritual strength.

  5. Re-Ceremonializing the Elekes: In some cases, your godparent may suggest that the elekes be re-consecrated through a ritual ceremony. This process involves performing specific rituals to re-establish the connection between the elekes and the Orishas, ensuring that their protective power is fully restored.

Consulting with Your Godparent

Why It’s Essential to Inform Your Godparent

Your godparent plays a critical role in your spiritual journey, including the care and protection of your elekes. If someone touches your elekes, it’s essential to inform your godparent so they can guide you through the appropriate steps to address the situation. Their experience and spiritual authority are invaluable in ensuring that your elekes are properly cleansed and recharged.

How Your Godparent Can Guide You Through the Cleansing Process

Your godparent will likely recommend specific cleansing rituals or prayers based on the Orishas your elekes represent. They may also perform a divination to determine the best course of action or to see if further spiritual work is needed. Trusting their guidance is key to maintaining the integrity of your elekes.

Possible Rituals or Offerings Required

Depending on the circumstances, your godparent may suggest additional rituals or offerings to the Orishas to appease them and restore the balance of Ashe in your elekes. These could include lighting candles, making food offerings, or participating in a cleansing ceremony. These actions help reaffirm your commitment to the Orishas and ensure that your spiritual protection remains strong.

Preventing Future Incidents

Tips for Protecting Your Elekes from Being Touched

To prevent future incidents, consider the following tips:

  • Keep Your Elekes Tucked Away: When in public or around people who may not understand their significance, it’s wise to keep your elekes tucked inside your clothing to prevent accidental touching.
  • Educate Those Around You: If you are comfortable, explain the importance of your elekes to those around you so they understand why they should not touch them.
  • Be Mindful in Crowded Spaces: In crowded places, be extra cautious about your surroundings to avoid accidental contact with your elekes.

How to Educate Others About the Significance of Elekes

Educating others about the significance of elekes can help prevent unauthorized touching. You can share information about the spiritual role of elekes in Santería and why they should be treated with respect. This not only helps protect your elekes but also raises awareness about Santería practices.

The Importance of Vigilance in Spiritual Practice

Being vigilant in your spiritual practice means being aware of how you handle and protect your sacred items, including elekes. Regularly check in with your godparent, keep your elekes clean and in good condition, and be mindful of who you allow into your spiritual space. This vigilance helps maintain the strength and effectiveness of your spiritual tools.

The Spiritual Impact of Unauthorized Touching

How Unauthorized Touching Can Affect the Ashe of Your Elekes

When someone touches your elekes without permission, it can disrupt the Ashe (spiritual energy) they carry. This disruption can weaken the protective power of the elekes, making you more vulnerable to negative influences or spiritual imbalances. It’s important to address any unauthorized touching promptly to restore the Ashe and ensure that the elekes continue to serve their intended purpose.

Potential Spiritual Consequences for the Wearer

The spiritual consequences of unauthorized touching can vary, depending on the situation and the intentions of the person who touched the elekes. In some cases, you may feel a sense of unease, experience negative energy, or notice a decrease in the effectiveness of the elekes. If these issues arise, it’s important to seek guidance from your godparent and take steps to cleanse and protect yourself.

How to Rebuild Your Spiritual Protection

If your elekes have been compromised by unauthorized touching, rebuilding your spiritual protection is crucial. This involves cleansing the elekes, reaffirming your connection with the Orishas, and possibly performing additional rituals or making offerings to restore balance. Your godparent can guide you through this process, ensuring that your spiritual protection is fully re-established.

When to Replace Your Elekes

Signs That Your Elekes May Need to Be Replaced

In some cases, your godparent may determine that your elekes need to be replaced if they have been severely compromised or damaged. Signs that your elekes may need to be replaced include physical damage, a noticeable loss of spiritual power, or persistent negative energy that cannot be cleansed. Your godparent will help you discern whether replacement is necessary.

The Process of Receiving New Elekes

If replacement is required, you will undergo a new ceremony to receive a fresh set of elekes. This process is similar to your initial reception of elekes, involving rituals to consecrate the new necklaces and establish your connection with the Orishas. Receiving new elekes is a way to renew your spiritual protection and continue your journey in Santería with strength and confidence.

The Role of Your Godparent in This Decision

The decision to replace your elekes should be made in consultation with your godparent. They will assess the situation, possibly through divination, and determine the best course of action. Trusting their judgment ensures that you make the right decision for your spiritual well-being.

Common Misconceptions About Elekes

Debunking Myths About the Power of Elekes

There are several misconceptions about elekes, such as the belief that they are invincible or that they don’t require care. In reality, elekes are powerful spiritual tools, but they must be treated with respect and maintained properly to retain their power. Understanding the true nature of elekes helps you protect and honor them appropriately.

Clarifying the True Spiritual Role of Elekes

Elekes are not simply good luck charms; they are sacred items that represent your bond with the Orishas. Their primary role is to provide spiritual protection, guidance, and a tangible connection to the divine. Recognizing their true spiritual role helps you appreciate their significance and ensures that you treat them with the reverence they deserve.

Understanding the Limitations of Elekes

While elekes are powerful, they are not a cure-all for spiritual issues. They work as part of a broader spiritual practice that includes regular prayer, offerings, and rituals. Understanding the limitations of elekes helps you maintain a balanced and effective spiritual practice, relying on a holistic approach to spiritual well-being.


Elekes are among the most sacred and powerful tools in Santería, serving as a direct link between the wearer and the Orishas. Protecting your elekes from unauthorized touching is essential to maintaining their spiritual integrity and effectiveness. If someone touches your elekes, it’s important to remain calm, consult your godparent, and take the necessary steps to cleanse and restore them. By understanding the significance of elekes, following the proper guidelines for their care, and remaining vigilant in your spiritual practice, you can ensure that these sacred items continue to protect and guide you on your spiritual journey.


1. Can I touch my own elekes?
Yes, as the wearer, you can touch and handle your own elekes. However, it’s important to do so with respect and care, keeping them clean and properly maintained.

2. What if someone touches my elekes by accident?
If someone touches your elekes by accident, it’s still important to cleanse them to remove any foreign energy. Consult with your godparent for guidance on the best way to cleanse and restore your elekes.

3. How often should I cleanse my elekes?
It’s a good practice to cleanse your elekes regularly, even if they haven’t been touched by others. This can be done monthly or after any significant spiritual work to keep them energetically clear and powerful.

4. Can elekes lose their power over time?
Elekes can lose their power if they are not properly cared for or if they are frequently mishandled. Regular cleansing, proper storage, and following the guidance of your godparent will help maintain their power.

5. What should I do if my elekes break?
If your elekes break, it’s important to consult your godparent immediately. In some cases, this may indicate a spiritual issue that needs to be addressed. Your godparent will guide you on whether the elekes can be repaired. 


  • Santería elekes
  • Elekes spiritual protection
  • What to do if someone touches your elekes
  • Cleansing elekes
  • Elekes care and handling
  • Santería rituals for elekes
  • Orishas and elekes
  • Elekes spiritual significance
  • Santería godparent guidance
  • Unauthorized touching of elekes
