Santería is a rich and complex religion with roots in the Yoruba traditions of West Africa, blended with elements of Roman Catholicism. Central to Santería practice is the act of making offerings and sacrifices to the Orishas, the deities of the religion, to maintain balance, show devotion, and request blessings. Sacrifice is a crucial component of Santería, as it is believed to feed the Orishas and strengthen the spiritual connection between them and the practitioners. This article will explore what is sacrificed in Santería, the reasons behind these sacrifices, and the rituals associated with them.

Outline of the Article

  1. Introduction

    • Overview of the role of sacrifice in Santería
    • The importance of understanding the significance of sacrifices
  2. The Purpose of Sacrifice in Santería

    • Why sacrifices are made to the Orishas
    • How sacrifices maintain spiritual balance
    • The connection between sacrifice and Ashe (spiritual energy)
  3. Types of Sacrifices in Santería

    • Offerings of food and drink
    • Sacrificial animals
    • Symbolic sacrifices
  4. Food and Drink Offerings

    • Common foods and drinks offered to the Orishas
    • The significance of these offerings
    • Rituals involving food and drink sacrifices
  5. Animal Sacrifice

    • The role of animal sacrifice in Santería
    • Types of animals typically sacrificed
    • The spiritual significance of animal sacrifice
  6. Symbolic Sacrifices

    • What constitutes a symbolic sacrifice
    • When symbolic sacrifices are used instead of physical offerings
    • The meaning and impact of symbolic sacrifices
  7. The Ritual Process of Sacrifice

    • How sacrifices are performed in Santería
    • The role of the priest or priestess (Olorisha/Babalawo) in the ritual
    • The preparation and presentation of sacrifices
  8. The Spiritual Impact of Sacrifice

    • How sacrifices influence the flow of Ashe
    • The benefits and blessings that come from making sacrifices
    • The consequences of improper or neglected sacrifices
  9. Ethical Considerations of Sacrifice

    • Addressing concerns about animal sacrifice
    • How sacrifices are conducted humanely
    • The cultural and religious significance of sacrifice in Santería
  10. Misconceptions About Sacrifice in Santería

    • Debunking myths about Santería sacrifices
    • The difference between Santería and other religious practices
    • Understanding the true purpose of sacrifice
  11. When and Why Sacrifices Are Made

    • Common occasions for making sacrifices
    • How practitioners determine the need for a sacrifice
    • The role of divination in deciding on sacrifices
  12. The Role of the Community in Sacrifice

    • How the Santería community participates in sacrifices
    • Collective vs. individual sacrifices
    • The communal benefits of sacrificial rituals
  13. Conclusion

    • Recap of the importance of sacrifice in Santería
    • Final thoughts on the spiritual significance of offerings and sacrifices
  14. FAQs

    • Are all sacrifices in Santería blood sacrifices?
    • Can I participate in Santería without making sacrifices?
    • How are the Orishas honored without animal sacrifice?
    • What happens to the animals after they are sacrificed?
    • How can I learn more about the proper way to make sacrifices in Santería?


Sacrifice is an essential aspect of Santería, a religion where the spiritual connection between the Orishas and practitioners is maintained through offerings and rituals. These sacrifices are not just acts of devotion but are believed to be necessary to sustain the Ashe, or spiritual energy, that flows through the universe. Understanding what is sacrificed in Santería, and why, is crucial for anyone interested in or practicing this tradition.

The Purpose of Sacrifice in Santería

Why Sacrifices Are Made to the Orishas

In Santería, sacrifices are made to the Orishas to honor them, seek their favor, and maintain balance in the spiritual and physical worlds. The Orishas are powerful deities who govern various aspects of nature and human life, and sacrifices are a way to show respect and devotion to them. Through these offerings, practitioners request blessings, protection, and guidance from the Orishas.

How Sacrifices Maintain Spiritual Balance

Sacrifices in Santería are seen as a way to maintain spiritual balance. By making offerings, practitioners ensure that the Ashe remains strong and that the Orishas are pleased. This balance is crucial for the well-being of individuals and the community, as it influences everything from health and prosperity to protection from negative forces.

The Connection Between Sacrifice and Ashe

Ashe is the life force that flows through all things in Santería, and sacrifices are a way to feed and strengthen this energy. When sacrifices are made, the Ashe is revitalized, ensuring that the spiritual connection between the practitioner and the Orishas remains strong. This exchange of energy is central to the practice of Santería and is a key reason why sacrifices are so important.

Types of Sacrifices in Santería

Offerings of Food and Drink

One of the most common forms of sacrifice in Santería involves offering food and drink to the Orishas. Each Orisha has specific preferences, and the offerings are chosen to align with their tastes and attributes. These offerings may include fruits, vegetables, grains, and beverages like rum or water. The food and drink are typically placed on altars dedicated to the Orishas and are left for a period before being removed.

Sacrificial Animals

Animal sacrifice is one of the more widely known aspects of Santería, though it is often misunderstood. Animals such as chickens, goats, and pigeons are sacrificed in specific rituals to feed the Orishas. The blood of the animal is considered to be rich in Ashe and is used to strengthen the spiritual connection. Animal sacrifice is conducted with great reverence, and the meat is often shared among the community as part of the ritual.

Symbolic Sacrifices

In addition to physical offerings, Santería also incorporates symbolic sacrifices. These may involve the burning of incense, the lighting of candles, or the offering of flowers and other symbolic items. Symbolic sacrifices are often used in situations where physical offerings are not possible or when a more subtle gesture is appropriate. These sacrifices still carry significant spiritual weight and are seen as powerful acts of devotion.

Food and Drink Offerings

Common Foods and Drinks Offered to the Orishas

Different Orishas have different preferences when it comes to food and drink offerings. For example, Oshun, the Orisha of love and fertility, is often offered honey, oranges, and cinnamon, while Changó, the Orisha of thunder and war, is offered spicy foods, red apples, and rum. These offerings are chosen to honor the specific characteristics and domains of the Orishas.

The Significance of These Offerings

The significance of food and drink offerings lies in their ability to nourish the Orishas and maintain a positive relationship with them. By offering food and drink that is pleasing to the Orishas, practitioners express their gratitude and devotion, ensuring that the Orishas continue to bless them with their Ashe.

Rituals Involving Food and Drink Sacrifices

Food and drink offerings are often made during specific rituals, such as ceremonies to honor an Orisha, during divination sessions, or as part of a healing ritual. These offerings are placed on altars, sometimes accompanied by prayers, songs, and other ritual elements to amplify their spiritual power.

Animal Sacrifice

The Role of Animal Sacrifice in Santería

Animal sacrifice plays a crucial role in Santería as a means of directly feeding the Orishas with Ashe. The life force of the animal is offered to the Orishas, and this act is seen as a powerful exchange of energy. Animal sacrifices are performed with the utmost respect, and the animals are treated humanely throughout the process.

Types of Animals Typically Sacrificed

The types of animals used in Santería sacrifices vary depending on the ritual and the Orisha being honored. Common animals include chickens, goats, pigeons, and in some cases, larger animals like sheep or cows. The choice of animal is often determined by the specific requirements of the ritual and the preferences of the Orisha.

The Spiritual Significance of Animal Sacrifice

The spiritual significance of animal sacrifice lies in its ability to directly transfer Ashe to the Orishas. The blood of the sacrificed animal is seen as a potent source of spiritual energy, and its offering is a way to ensure the favor and protection of the Orishas. The ritual also serves to reaffirm the bond between the practitioner and the Orishas, strengthening their connection.

Symbolic Sacrifices

What Constitutes a Symbolic Sacrifice

Symbolic sacrifices in Santería involve the offering of non-physical items, such as candles, flowers, or incense. These sacrifices are often used in situations where a physical offering is not feasible 

or when a more symbolic gesture is appropriate. Symbolic sacrifices still hold significant spiritual meaning and are used to honor the Orishas, ask for their blessings, and maintain spiritual balance.

When Symbolic Sacrifices Are Used Instead of Physical Offerings

Symbolic sacrifices are often used in situations where physical offerings, such as food or animal sacrifice, are not possible. This could be due to the location, personal circumstances, or the specific nature of the ritual being performed. For example, a practitioner might light a candle or burn incense as a symbolic offering to an Orisha when they are unable to make a more substantial offering. These symbolic acts are still powerful and can effectively convey the practitioner's devotion and intentions.

The Meaning and Impact of Symbolic Sacrifices

The impact of symbolic sacrifices lies in their ability to convey the practitioner's sincerity and commitment to the Orishas. Even though they are not physical, symbolic sacrifices are infused with spiritual energy and can help maintain the flow of Ashe. These sacrifices are a reminder that intention and reverence are just as important as the physical offerings in Santería.

The Ritual Process of Sacrifice

How Sacrifices Are Performed in Santería

The process of performing a sacrifice in Santería is highly ritualistic and follows specific traditions passed down through generations. The sacrifice usually begins with prayers and invocations to the Orishas, calling upon them to accept the offering. If an animal is involved, it is treated with respect and care throughout the process. The actual sacrifice is performed by a priest or priestess (Olorisha or Babalawo) who is trained in the ritual. Once the sacrifice is made, the offerings are presented on the altar, and the ritual is concluded with more prayers and sometimes communal sharing of the food.

The Role of the Priest or Priestess (Olorisha/Babalawo) in the Ritual

The Olorisha or Babalawo plays a central role in the sacrificial ritual. They are responsible for ensuring that the sacrifice is conducted according to tradition and with the necessary respect and reverence. They also interpret the signs and messages from the Orishas during the ritual, providing spiritual guidance to the participants. The priest or priestess acts as an intermediary between the practitioner and the Orishas, ensuring that the offering is properly received and that the Ashe flows as intended.

The Preparation and Presentation of Sacrifices

Preparation is a crucial aspect of the sacrificial process in Santería. This includes selecting the appropriate offerings, preparing the altar, and making sure that all participants are spiritually ready for the ritual. The presentation of the sacrifice is equally important, as it reflects the practitioner’s devotion and respect for the Orishas. Whether it’s a food offering, an animal, or a symbolic item, the presentation must be done with care and in alignment with the traditions of Santería.

The Spiritual Impact of Sacrifice

How Sacrifices Influence the Flow of Ashe

Sacrifices are essential in maintaining and enhancing the flow of Ashe, the spiritual energy that permeates all aspects of life in Santería. By making sacrifices, practitioners ensure that their connection to the Orishas remains strong and that the Ashe continues to flow freely in their lives. This flow of Ashe is believed to bring blessings, protection, and prosperity, making sacrifice a key practice in maintaining spiritual well-being.

The Benefits and Blessings That Come from Making Sacrifices

Making sacrifices to the Orishas can bring numerous benefits and blessings. Practitioners often report feeling more protected, spiritually aligned, and at peace after making a sacrifice. Sacrifices can also lead to tangible benefits, such as improved health, financial success, and resolution of personal issues. These blessings are seen as a direct result of maintaining a positive relationship with the Orishas through regular sacrifices.

The Consequences of Improper or Neglected Sacrifices

Neglecting to make sacrifices or performing them improperly can have negative consequences. In Santería, it is believed that failing to honor the Orishas with appropriate sacrifices can disrupt the flow of Ashe and lead to spiritual imbalance. This imbalance may manifest as difficulties in life, such as health problems, financial struggles, or conflicts. It’s essential to follow the guidance of a knowledgeable priest or priestess to ensure that sacrifices are made correctly and that the Orishas are properly honored.

Ethical Considerations of Sacrifice

Addressing Concerns About Animal Sacrifice

Animal sacrifice in Santería often raises ethical concerns, particularly for those unfamiliar with the tradition. It’s important to understand that in Santería, animal sacrifice is performed with deep respect for the animal and is considered a sacred act. The animals are treated humanely, and their sacrifice is seen as a necessary part of maintaining the balance between the physical and spiritual worlds. Additionally, the meat from sacrificed animals is often shared among the community, emphasizing the ritual’s communal and spiritual nature.

How Sacrifices Are Conducted Humanely

Santería practitioners take great care to ensure that animal sacrifices are conducted humanely and with the utmost respect for the animal’s life. The ritual is performed quickly and with as little suffering as possible, in accordance with traditional methods. The emphasis is on honoring the animal’s spirit and recognizing the sacredness of the life being offered to the Orishas.

The Cultural and Religious Significance of Sacrifice in Santería

Sacrifice in Santería is deeply rooted in cultural and religious traditions that date back centuries. It is an integral part of the religion, reflecting the belief in reciprocity between the physical and spiritual worlds. The practice of sacrifice, whether animal, food, or symbolic, is a way for practitioners to engage with the divine, uphold their cultural heritage, and maintain the spiritual health of themselves and their communities.

Misconceptions About Sacrifice in Santería

Debunking Myths About Santería Sacrifices

There are many misconceptions about sacrifices in Santería, particularly surrounding the practice of animal sacrifice. These myths often portray Santería in a negative light, failing to recognize the cultural and spiritual significance of these rituals. It’s important to debunk these myths and understand that sacrifices in Santería are performed with deep respect and reverence, in accordance with centuries-old traditions.

The Difference Between Santería and Other Religious Practices

Santería’s sacrificial practices are often compared to those in other religions, but it’s important to understand the unique context in which they occur. While sacrifice is a common element in many religious traditions, in Santería, it is specifically tied to the maintenance of Ashe and the relationship with the Orishas. Understanding these distinctions helps to appreciate the specific role that sacrifice plays in Santería.

Understanding the True Purpose of Sacrifice

The true purpose of sacrifice in Santería is not simply to offer something to the Orishas but to engage in a reciprocal relationship that ensures the flow of Ashe. Sacrifices are acts of devotion, respect, and necessity, meant to sustain the balance between the practitioner and the spiritual world. They are not performed lightly but are considered essential for spiritual well-being and harmony.

When and Why Sacrifices Are Made

Common Occasions for Making Sacrifices

Sacrifices in Santería are made on various occasions, including during initiations, festivals, healing rituals, and times of personal crisis. These sacrifices are made to ask for blessings, seek protection, or give thanks to the Orishas. The timing and type of sacrifice are often determined through divination or the guidance of a priest or priestess.

How Practitioners Determine the Need for a Sacrifice

The need for a sacrifice is often determined through divination, a process in which a priest or priestess communicates with the Orishas to understand their desires and requirements. Divination can reveal whether a sacrifice is needed, what kind of sacrifice should be made, and which Orisha should be honored. This ensures that sacrifices are made appropriately and in alignment with the spiritual needs of the practitioner.

The Role of Divination in Deciding on Sacrifices

Divination is a central practice in Santería that guides practitioners in making spiritual decisions, including when and how to make sacrifices. Through divination, the Orishas communicate their will, and practitioners gain insight into the spiritual actions they need to take. This process ensures that sacrifices are meaningful and effective, aligning the practitioner’s actions with the desires of the Orishas.

The Role of the Community in Sacrifice

How the Santería Community Participates in Sacrifices

Sacrifices in Santería are often communal events, bringing together members of the spiritual community to participate in the ritual. The community’s involvement enhances the Ashe of the sacrifice and strengthens the bonds between practitioners. Community participation also ensures that the ritual is conducted properly, with multiple people contributing their energy and devotion to the Orishas.

Collective vs. Individual Sacrifices

In Santería, sacrifices can be made individually or collectively. Individual sacrifices are made for personal reasons, such as seeking healing or guidance. Collective sacrifices, on the other hand, are made on behalf of the entire community, often during festivals or important religious ceremonies. These collective rituals are powerful expressions of faith and solidarity within the Santería community.

The Communal Benefits of Sacrificial Rituals

Sacrificial rituals bring numerous benefits to the Santería community. They reinforce social bonds, ensure the flow of Ashe, and bring collective blessings to all participants. These rituals are an essential part of maintaining the spiritual health of the community, ensuring that the Orishas continue to protect and guide their followers.


Sacrifice in Santería is a deeply meaningful practice 

that plays a crucial role in maintaining the spiritual health and balance of both individuals and the community. Whether through offerings of food and drink, animal sacrifices, or symbolic gestures, these acts of devotion are designed to honor the Orishas, nourish the flow of Ashe, and ensure the continued protection and blessings of the divine. Understanding the significance, process, and impact of sacrifice in Santería helps to appreciate the depth and complexity of this spiritual tradition.


1. Are all sacrifices in Santería blood sacrifices?
No, not all sacrifices in Santería involve blood. Many sacrifices are symbolic or involve offerings of food, drink, or other items that are pleasing to the Orishas. Blood sacrifices, such as those involving animals, are reserved for specific rituals and occasions where a deeper spiritual connection or a significant exchange of Ashe is needed.

2. Can I participate in Santería without making sacrifices?
While sacrifices are a central aspect of Santería, it is possible to participate in the religion in other ways, such as through prayer, offerings, and community involvement. However, sacrifices may become necessary depending on your spiritual journey and the guidance of your godparent or spiritual community.

3. How are the Orishas honored without animal sacrifice?
The Orishas can be honored through a variety of non-animal sacrifices, including offerings of food, drink, candles, flowers, and symbolic items. These offerings are made on altars and are accompanied by prayers and rituals that express devotion and respect.

4. What happens to the animals after they are sacrificed?
After an animal is sacrificed in Santería, its meat is often prepared and shared among the community as part of the ritual. This practice reinforces the communal nature of the sacrifice and ensures that nothing is wasted. The sharing of the meat also serves as a physical manifestation of the blessings received from the Orishas.

5. How can I learn more about the proper way to make sacrifices in Santería?
The best way to learn about sacrifices in Santería is through direct guidance from a godparent (Padrino or Madrina) or an experienced practitioner within the Santería community. They can teach you the specific rituals, offerings, and traditions that are appropriate for different situations and Orishas.


  • Santería sacrifice
  • Animal sacrifice in Santería
  • What is sacrificed in Santería
  • Food offerings to Orishas
  • Symbolic sacrifices in Santería
  • Santería Ashe
  • Orisha offerings
  • Santería rituals
  • Sacrificial rituals in Santería
  • Spiritual significance of Santería sacrifices