Orisha Tous agayubabaluayeDada BañaniEleguaEshuIbejiinlenana burukuobatalaObbaOchosiOgbonioggunolokunOriOrishaOrisha okoOrunmilaoshorongaOshunOyasan lazaroshangoYemayaYewa nana buruku Catégories Tous agayu babaluaye Dada Bañani Elegua Eshu Ibeji inle nana buruku obatala Obba Ochosi Ogboni oggun olokun Ori Orisha Orisha oko Orunmila oshoronga Oshun Oya san lazaro shango Yemaya Yewa Nana Buruku - The Orisha of Ancient Wisdom and Motherhood nana buruku28/septembre/2023 Who is Nana Buruku? Nana Buruku is one of the revered Orishas in the Yoruba religion, known as the mother of the waters and the goddess of creat... Join Us Discover the Benefits of Subscribing to Our Newsletter Votre email S'inscrire100% free, Unsubscribe any time! Follow us