Who-is-Oshun SanteriaGuide

Who is Oshun?

Oshun is one of the most beloved Orishas in the Yoruba religion. She is the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and rivers. Oshun is often depicted as a beautiful woman adorned with gold and yellow garments, embodying grace and sensuality. Her presence is felt in the flowing rivers and streams, symbolizing life, fertility, and love.

 Bracelet/Mania de differente Orishas/Santos Con Bronze SanteriaGuide

Oshun in Yoruba Religion In Yoruba tradition, Oshun is a central figure associated with love, fertility, and prosperity. She is known for her compassionate and nurturing nature, often helping those in need of love, healing, and abundance. Oshun's influence extends to all aspects of life, providing guidance and blessings to her followers.

Attributes and Symbols of Oshun

Symbols Associated with Oshun Oshun's symbols include rivers, gold, honey, mirrors, and fans. These items are often used in rituals to honor her and seek her blessings.

Colors and Numbers Colors Oshun's colors are yellow and gold, representing her radiant and joyful nature. These colors are prominently featured in her altars, clothing, and offerings.

Numbers The number five is sacred to Oshun. This number appears in various aspects of her worship, such as the number of offerings or elements placed on her altar.

Offerings to Oshun Favorite Offerings Oshun loves offerings that reflect her connection to beauty and abundance. Common offerings include honey, cinnamon, oranges, and sweet treats. Additionally, items such as gold jewelry, mirrors, and yellow flowers are favored by her.

Rituals and Practices Rituals dedicated to Oshun often involve water and elements of beauty. Devotees may perform libations, create altars with her symbols, or engage in dances and songs in her honor. These practices are designed to invoke her presence and blessings.

Oshun in Syncretism

Oshun and Catholicism Syncretized Saint In the syncretic practices of Santeria, Oshun is often associated with Our Lady of Charity (La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre). This connection blends Yoruba and Catholic traditions, allowing practitioners to honor both their African heritage and Christian faith.

Different Paths of Oshun Oshun Ibu Kole Oshun Ibu Kole represents the aspect of Oshun associated with fertility and motherhood. This path is revered for its nurturing and protective qualities.

Oshun Ibu Yumu Oshun Ibu Yumu embodies the gentle and healing aspects of Oshun. This path is called upon for love, healing, and emotional balance.

Stories and Myths of Oshun

Oshun and the Creation Myth One creation myth tells of Oshun bringing sweet waters to the earth, essential for life and fertility. This story emphasizes her role as a life-giver and nurturer.

Oshun and Her Beauty Oshun is renowned for her beauty and grace. Myths often depict her using her charm and allure to overcome obstacles and bring joy and prosperity to her followers.

Oshun and Love Oshun's connection to love is profound. She is believed to mend broken hearts, inspire romance, and strengthen relationships, making her a powerful force in matters of the heart.

How to Invoke Oshun

Invoking Oshun through Offerings To invoke Oshun, prepare an altar with her symbols: yellow and gold items, honey, and sweet treats. Offer these gifts with a heartfelt plea for her guidance and blessings.

Prayers and Chants Prayers to Oshun often involve singing and chanting. Simple phrases like "Oshun, goddess of love and beauty, bless me with your grace and abundance" can be repeated, accompanied by rhythmic clapping or drumming.

Oshun's Festival Days Oshun's feast day is celebrated on September 8th, coinciding with the feast of Our Lady of Charity. This day is marked by ceremonies at rivers or bodies of water, including offerings, prayers, and songs in her honor.

Oshun in Modern Practice

Oshun in Diaspora Oshun's worship has spread beyond Africa, finding a home in the Americas and the Caribbean through the African diaspora. Her presence is strong in practices such as Santeria and Candomble, where she continues to be a source of love, beauty, and prosperity.

Oshun in Contemporary Culture Oshun's influence extends into contemporary culture, particularly in music and art. Artists and musicians often invoke her spirit to inspire creativity and bring forth beauty.

The Importance of Oshun in Personal Life

Love and Relationships Oshun is often called upon for her nurturing and loving qualities. Whether seeking support in relationships or healing from emotional wounds, her energy offers comfort and guidance.

Beauty and Abundance For those in need of beauty and prosperity, Oshun provides her radiant and joyful presence. Her energy promotes physical and emotional well-being, helping individuals find joy and success.

Healing and Compassion Oshun's connection to water symbolizes cleansing and healing. Devotees seek her guidance in finding emotional balance and peace.

Conclusion Oshun, with her nurturing and radiant presence, offers guidance and blessings in various aspects of life. From love and beauty to healing and prosperity, her influence is profound and far-reaching. By understanding and honoring Oshun, devotees can invite her loving and powerful energy into their lives.


What is the best way to offer tribute to Oshun? The best way to offer tribute to Oshun is by preparing an altar with her favorite items, such as honey, yellow candles, mirrors, and offerings of sweet treats. Perform rituals with a sincere heart and pure intentions.

How is Oshun depicted in Yoruba art? Oshun is often depicted as a beautiful woman adorned with gold and yellow garments, symbolizing her connection to love, beauty, and abundance.

What are the benefits of worshipping Oshun? Worshipping Oshun can bring numerous benefits, including enhanced love, beauty, prosperity, and emotional healing. Her energy offers comfort and guidance in life's challenges.

How does Oshun influence modern culture? Oshun influences modern culture through music, art, and literature. Her energy inspires creativity and beauty, and her stories and symbols are celebrated in various cultural expressions.

Can anyone invoke Oshun, or do you need to be initiated? While anyone can honor Oshun and seek her blessings, formal invocation and deep spiritual work often require initiation and guidance from knowledgeable practitioners.