Where Do I Start with Santería?

Santería is a deeply spiritual practice with roots in African traditions, particularly those of the Yoruba people. Over time, it has evolved into a distinct religion with its own rituals, beliefs, and community structure. If you’re interested in starting your journey into Santería, it’s important to approach it with respect, patience, and a willingness to learn. This article will guide you through the essential steps to begin your exploration of Santería.

Outline of the Article

  1. Introduction

    • Brief overview of Santería
    • Importance of starting with the right approach
  2. Educate Yourself, But Be Cautious

    • The abundance of online information
    • The dangers of misinformation
    • How to identify trustworthy sources
  3. Get to Know Your Elder (Godparent)

    • The role of a godparent in Santería
    • Why it's crucial to find a genuine elder
    • How to build a relationship with your godparent
  4. Santería’s Roots and Evolution

    • The African origins of Santería
    • The impact of the transatlantic slave trade
    • How Santería has evolved into its own distinct practice
  5. Starting with Basic Practices

    • Creating an ancestor altar
    • Honoring the Orishas
    • The role of divination in Santería
  6. My Personal Experience

    • The importance of caution in finding a mentor
    • Personal experiences of being misled
    • How I found a genuine connection in Cuba
    • The dangers present even in the right environment
  7. Loyalty to Your Godparent and Practice

    • The sacred relationship with your godparent
    • How loyalty impacts your spiritual growth
    • Staying true to your practice
  8. The Importance of Community

    • Engaging with a Santería community
    • The role of festivals and gatherings
    • How community supports spiritual development
  9. The Significance of Initiation

    • What initiation involves
    • Why initiation is essential for deepening your practice
    • The role of your godparent in initiation
  10. Staying True to the Practice

    • Consistent rituals and offerings
    • Building a personal relationship with the Orishas
    • The importance of daily practice
  11. Avoiding Common Pitfalls

    • Misconceptions and stereotypes about Santería
    • The risk of exploitation by false practitioners
    • How to protect yourself spiritually and emotionally
  12. Santería in the Modern World

    • The spread of Santería globally
    • How modern practitioners maintain tradition
    • The role of technology in Santería today
  13. Respect and Patience in Your Journey

    • The importance of humility
    • Taking the time to learn and grow
    • Respecting the traditions and rituals
  14. The Future of Your Santería Journey

    • What to expect as you progress
    • The ongoing relationship with your godparent
    • How to continue growing in your practice
  15. Conclusion

    • Recap of the essential steps to start in Santería
    • The importance of caution, loyalty, and respect
  16. FAQs

    • How do I find a trustworthy godparent?
    • Can I practice Santería without initiation?
    • What should I avoid when starting in Santería?
    • How can I protect myself from false practitioners?
    • Is Santería compatible with other religious practices?


Santería is more than just a religion; it’s a way of life that connects you with the spiritual world, your ancestors, and a community of practitioners. If you’re interested in starting your journey in Santería, it’s important to approach it with respect, caution, and a genuine desire to learn. This guide will help you navigate the initial steps, ensuring that you start on the right path and avoid common pitfalls.

Educate Yourself, But Be Cautious

The Abundance of Online Information

The internet is filled with information about Santería, from articles and videos to online forums and social media groups. While this can be a great way to start learning about the religion, it’s important to approach online information with caution. Not everything you read online is accurate or reliable, and there are many misconceptions and myths about Santería that can lead you astray.

The Dangers of Misinformation

One of the biggest challenges when starting with Santería is sifting through the vast amount of information available online. Unfortunately, there are people who claim to have knowledge and experience that they don’t actually possess. These individuals may offer advice or services that are not in line with authentic Santería practices, potentially leading you down the wrong path.

How to Identify Trustworthy Sources

To ensure that you’re getting accurate information, focus on learning from reputable sources. Look for books and articles written by respected practitioners, scholars, and historians who have a deep understanding of Santería. If you’re engaging with online communities, seek out groups that are moderated by experienced practitioners who can provide guidance and answer your questions with authenticity.

Get to Know Your Elder (Godparent)

The Role of a Godparent in Santería

In Santería, the relationship with your godparent (Padrino or Madrina) is one of the most important aspects of your spiritual journey. Your godparent will guide you through the practices, rituals, and teachings of Santería, helping you build a strong connection with the Orishas and your ancestors.

Why It's Crucial to Find a Genuine Elder

Finding a genuine and trustworthy godparent is essential for your growth in Santería. A true godparent will have a deep understanding of the religion, years of experience, and a genuine desire to help you on your spiritual path. They will take the time to teach you, answer your questions, and support you as you navigate the complexities of Santería.

How to Build a Relationship with Your Godparent

Building a relationship with your godparent takes time and effort. It’s important to approach this relationship with respect, humility, and a willingness to learn. Take the time to get to know your godparent, understand their background, and observe how they practice Santería. Trust and loyalty are the foundations of this relationship, and they will play a crucial role in your spiritual growth.

Santería’s Roots and Evolution

The African Origins of Santería

Santería’s roots lie in the Yoruba religion of West Africa, particularly in the regions that are now Nigeria, Benin, and Togo. The Yoruba people brought their spiritual practices to the Americas during the transatlantic slave trade, where they blended their beliefs with elements of Roman Catholicism to create what we now know as Santería.

The Impact of the Transatlantic Slave Trade

The transatlantic slave trade forced millions of Africans into slavery in the Americas, where they were often stripped of their cultural and religious practices. However, the Yoruba people found ways to preserve their beliefs by syncretizing their deities with Catholic saints, allowing them to continue worshiping in secret. This blending of African spirituality with Catholicism gave birth to Santería, a unique and powerful religion that has since evolved into its own distinct practice.

How Santería Has Evolved Into Its Own Distinct Practice

While Santería retains many elements of its African roots, it has also absorbed influences from other cultures and traditions, making it a distinct religion in its own right. Today, Santería is practiced by millions of people around the world, each bringing their own experiences and interpretations to the practice. This evolution has made Santería a dynamic and adaptable religion that continues to thrive in the modern world.

Starting with Basic Practices

Creating an Ancestor Altar

One of the first steps in starting your practice of Santería is to create an ancestor altar. This altar is a sacred space where you can honor your ancestors, offer prayers, and make offerings. It’s a way to build a connection with those who came before you and seek their guidance and protection.

Honoring the Orishas

In addition to honoring your ancestors, you’ll also want to start building a relationship with the Orishas, the deities of Santería. Each Orisha has its own personality, attributes, and preferences, and it’s important to learn about them and offer prayers and offerings that resonate with their energy.

The Role of Divination in Santería

Divination is a central practice in Santería, used to communicate with the Orishas and seek their guidance. As a beginner, you can start with simple forms of divination, such as using cowrie shells or kola nuts. However, more complex divination methods should be learned under the guidance of an experienced practitioner.

My Personal Experience

The Importance of Caution in Finding a Mentor

My journey into Santería was not straightforward. I encountered several individuals who claimed to have the knowledge and experience to guide me, but who were ultimately more interested in exploiting my trust and resources. These experiences taught me the importance of being cautious and discerning when choosing a mentor or godparent in Santería. Finding the right person to guide you is crucial because they will shape your understanding and practice of the religion.

Personal Experiences of Being Misled

Before I found a genuine connection, I was misled four times by people who claimed to be knowledgeable in Santería. These individuals took advantage of my desire to learn and my lack of experience, leading me down paths that were neither authentic nor spiritually beneficial. Each time, I realized too late that I was not in the right hands, and it set me back in my spiritual journey.

How I Found a Genuine Connection in Cuba

It wasn’t until I traveled to Cuba years later that I found the genuine spiritual connection I had been seeking. In Cuba, Santería is deeply rooted in the culture, and I was able to meet practitioners who had been immersed in the tradition for generations. Even then, the danger of being misled was present, but with caution and careful consideration, I found a godparent who was truly knowledgeable and had my best interests at heart.

The Dangers Present Even in the Right Environment

Even in Cuba, where Santería is widely practiced and respected, there are still individuals who may not have the experience or integrity they claim to possess. It’s important to remain vigilant and to trust your instincts when choosing who to learn from. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, seek references, and take your time in making a decision. The right godparent will understand your need for caution and will support you in taking the necessary steps to ensure you are on the right path.

Loyalty to Your Godparent and Practice

The Sacred Relationship with Your Godparent

Once you’ve found a trustworthy godparent, the relationship you build with them becomes one of the most important aspects of your practice in Santería. Your godparent is more than just a teacher—they are your spiritual guide, mentor, and protector. This relationship is sacred, and it’s essential to approach it with the respect and loyalty it deserves.

How Loyalty Impacts Your Spiritual Growth

Loyalty to your godparent and your practice is crucial for your spiritual growth in Santería. This loyalty is not just about following their guidance; it’s about committing to the path they help you forge. Santería is not a religion you can practice casually—its rituals, teachings, and connections require dedication and sincerity. When you are loyal to your godparent and stay true to your practice, the Orishas will respond with their blessings and guidance, helping you grow spiritually and achieve harmony in your life.

Staying True to Your Practice

Staying true to your practice means consistently engaging with the rituals, offerings, and teachings of Santería. It’s about building a personal relationship with the Orishas, regularly honoring your ancestors, and following the guidance of your godparent. This consistency is what allows you to deepen your understanding and connection to the spiritual aspects of Santería, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful practice.

The Importance of Community

Engaging with a Santería Community

Santería is a religion that thrives on community. Engaging with a community of practitioners can provide support, shared experiences, and opportunities to participate in collective rituals and ceremonies. Your godparent will often introduce you to a broader spiritual family, where you can learn from others and contribute to the collective spiritual energy.

The Role of Festivals and Gatherings

Santería has many festivals and gatherings that honor the Orishas and the ancestors. Participating in these events is not only a way to deepen your practice but also to strengthen your ties to the community. These gatherings are opportunities to celebrate, learn, and experience the power of collective Ashe (spiritual energy).

How Community Supports Spiritual Development

Being part of a Santería community provides a support system that is invaluable in your spiritual journey. Your peers and elders can offer guidance, share insights, and help you navigate challenges. The collective wisdom and energy of the community can enhance your personal practice and contribute to your overall spiritual growth.

The Significance of Initiation

What Initiation Involves

Initiation is a significant step in Santería and marks your formal entry into the religion. The process, known as "making Ocha," involves a series of rituals that are designed to connect you deeply with your patron Orisha. It is a transformative experience that prepares you for your role as a dedicated practitioner of Santería.

Why Initiation Is Essential for Deepening Your Practice

While anyone can learn about Santería and honor the Orishas, initiation is essential for those who wish to fully immerse themselves in the religion. It grants you access to deeper knowledge, more complex rituals, and a stronger connection to the Orishas. Your godparent will guide you through this process, ensuring that you are spiritually prepared for the responsibilities that come with initiation.

The Role of Your Godparent in Initiation

Your godparent plays a central role in your initiation. They not only prepare you for the process but also stand by you as you go through it, offering guidance and support. Their experience and wisdom ensure that your initiation is authentic and that you are ready to embrace your new role within the Santería community.

Staying True to the Practice

Consistent Rituals and Offerings

Consistency is key in Santería. Regular rituals and offerings to the Orishas and your ancestors keep you connected to the spiritual world and ensure that you are maintaining the balance of Ashe in your life. This practice is not about grand gestures but about the regular, sincere actions that show your dedication and respect.

Building a Personal Relationship with the Orishas

Over time, as you continue to honor the Orishas, you will build a personal relationship with them. This relationship is unique to each practitioner and is based on your interactions, prayers, and the ways in which the Orishas reveal themselves in your life. This connection will deepen as you progress in your practice, offering you guidance, protection, and blessings.

The Importance of Daily Practice

Daily practice in Santería can take many forms, from simple prayers and offerings to more elaborate rituals. The key is to make your practice a regular part of your life, integrating it into your daily routine. This ongoing engagement with the spiritual aspects of Santería helps to maintain the flow of Ashe and ensures that you remain in harmony with the Orishas and your ancestors.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Misconceptions and Stereotypes About Santería

Santería is often misunderstood and surrounded by misconceptions, particularly in the media and popular culture. These misconceptions can lead to stereotypes that misrepresent the religion as something sinister or harmful. It’s important to educate yourself and others about the true nature of Santería, which is a religion rooted in respect, balance, and spiritual connection.

The Risk of Exploitation by False Practitioners

As with any spiritual practice, there are individuals who may seek to exploit others for financial or personal gain. These false practitioners often prey on newcomers who are eager to learn but lack the knowledge to discern authenticity. Protect yourself by taking the time to thoroughly vet anyone who offers to teach or guide you in Santería. Trust your instincts, and don’t be afraid to walk away if something doesn’t feel right.

How to Protect Yourself Spiritually and Emotionally

Protecting yourself spiritually and emotionally in Santería involves setting boundaries, being cautious about who you trust, and maintaining a strong connection to your godparent and the Orishas. Regular spiritual cleansing, prayer, and offerings can help protect you from negative influences and ensure that your practice remains pure and focused on the positive aspects of the religion.

Santería in the Modern World

The Spread of Santería Globally

Santería has spread far beyond its origins in Cuba and West Africa, becoming a global religion practiced by millions around the world. This spread has brought Santería into contact with different cultures and traditions, further enriching its practices and expanding its reach.

How Modern Practitioners Maintain Tradition

Despite the global spread of Santería, many practitioners remain committed to preserving the traditions and rituals that have been passed down through generations. This commitment ensures that the core elements of Santería remain intact, even as the religion evolves and adapts to new environments.

The Role of Technology in Santería Today

Technology has played an increasingly important role in Santería, particularly in connecting practitioners across the globe. Online forums and social media have allowed Santería to flourish in the modern world, making it accessible to those who may not have a local community to engage with.

Respect and Patience in Your Journey

The Importance of Humility

Approaching Santería with humility is essential. This is a religion with deep roots and complex practices, and it’s important to recognize that learning takes time. Respect for the traditions, the Orishas, and your godparent will guide you on the right path and help you build a strong foundation for your practice.

Taking the Time to Learn and Grow

Santería is not a religion that can be mastered quickly. It requires time, patience, and a genuine desire to learn. Don’t rush your journey; instead, take the time to absorb the teachings, build your relationships with the Orishas, and grow in your understanding of the spiritual world.

Respecting the Traditions and Rituals

Respect for the traditions and rituals of Santería is paramount. These practices have been passed down through generations and carry deep spiritual significance. By honoring these traditions, you show respect for the religion, the Orishas, and the community that practices Santería.

The Future of Your Santería Journey

What to Expect as You Progress

As you progress in your Santería journey, you can expect to deepen your connection with the Orishas, ancestors, and the spiritual community around you. Your understanding of the rituals, symbols, and teachings will grow, allowing you to engage more fully with the religion. Over time, you may find that Santería becomes an integral part of your daily life, guiding your actions, decisions, and interactions with others.

The Ongoing Relationship with Your Godparent

Your relationship with your godparent will continue to evolve as you grow in your practice. This bond is one of mutual respect, trust, and loyalty, and it will play a significant role in your spiritual development. Your godparent will be there to guide you through new challenges, help you navigate complex rituals, and support your growth as a practitioner. Staying loyal to this relationship is crucial for maintaining the integrity and depth of your practice.

How to Continue Growing in Your Practice

Growth in Santería is a lifelong journey. To continue evolving, keep an open mind and heart, always be willing to learn, and stay committed to your practice. Regularly engage in rituals, make offerings, and spend time in prayer and reflection. Seek out opportunities to learn from others, whether through your godparent, the community, or reputable sources. As you deepen your practice, you’ll find that your connection to the spiritual world strengthens, bringing greater peace, understanding, and fulfillment into your life.


Starting your journey in Santería is an exciting and deeply spiritual endeavor, but it requires careful consideration, respect, and commitment. Begin by educating yourself from trustworthy sources, and prioritize finding a genuine and experienced godparent who can guide you. Understand that Santería, while rooted in African traditions, has become its own distinct practice, rich with cultural and spiritual significance. My personal experience highlights the importance of caution, as well as the need for loyalty to your godparent and the practices they teach.

Santería is not just about performing rituals; it’s about building meaningful relationships with the Orishas, your ancestors, and the community around you. By staying true to your practice, respecting the traditions, and engaging with your spiritual family, you can experience profound growth and transformation in your spiritual journey.


1. How do I find a trustworthy godparent?
To find a trustworthy godparent, take your time to observe and get to know potential mentors. Look for someone with experience, respect within the community, and a genuine interest in your spiritual growth. Ask for recommendations from other practitioners, and trust your instincts.

2. Can I practice Santería without initiation?
While you can learn about and honor the Orishas without initiation, initiation is essential for those who wish to fully engage with Santería’s deeper practices and rituals. It connects you more intimately with the Orishas and grants you access to more complex spiritual knowledge.

3. What should I avoid when starting in Santería?
Avoid rushing into relationships with practitioners or godparents, and be wary of those who promise quick results or demand large sums of money. Stay away from sources of information that seem sensationalized or overly commercial.

4. How can I protect myself from false practitioners?
Protect yourself by thoroughly researching any potential mentors, asking for references, and being cautious about where you seek guidance. Trust your instincts, and if something doesn’t feel right, don’t be afraid to walk away.

5. Is Santería compatible with other religious practices?
Many practitioners of Santería also practice other religions, particularly Roman Catholicism, due to the historical syncretism between the two. However, it’s important to approach each practice with respect and understanding, ensuring that they complement rather than conflict with each other. 

  1. How to start Santería
  2. Santería initiation
  3. Santería godparent
  4. Santería practices
  5. Santería rituals
  6. Finding a mentor in Santería
  7. Santería spiritual growth
  8. Santería in the modern world
  9. Loyalty in Santería
  10. Santería community