It is not accurate or fair to label any religion as "evil." Santería is a syncretic religion that combines elements of traditional African religions with Roman Catholicism and indigenous American spiritual practices. It is practiced primarily in countries with large Afro-Caribbean populations, such as Cuba and Puerto Rico.

Like all religions, Santería has its own set of beliefs, practices, and rituals, and it is up to individual practitioners to determine whether or not they align with their own personal values and beliefs. Some people may disagree with certain aspects of Santería or find it to be incompatible with their own beliefs, but it is important to remember that religion is a deeply personal and subjective experience, and it is not fair to judge or label the beliefs and practices of others as "evil."

It is important to approach the practices and beliefs of other religions with respect and understanding, rather than making judgments or assumptions based on limited information or stereotypes.